Rank and Status in Polynesia and Melanesia
Essays in honor of professor Douglas Oliver Douglas L. Oliver Publications de la SdO … Excerpt (Source: http://books.openedition.org) One of the less fortunate legacies that we who practice ethnography in Oceania have given the scholarly world is the stereotype of the Melanesian leader as “Big Man”. The designation “Big Man”, derived literally from the metaphor commonly used […]
Leadership Styles and Strategies in a Traditional Melanesian Society
Harold M. Ross p. 11-22 ABSTRACT TEXT BIBLIOGRAPHY NOTES AUTHORILLUSTRATIONS ABSTRACT ENGLISH FRANÇAIS The conventional distinction mode by cultural anthropologists between Melanesian and other Pacific Islands leaders is inaccurate and misleading. Melanesian Leadership accomplishes a variety of complex and valuable community functions, achievement of status has been overemphasized, cooperation and altruism are at least as important as competition, and Melanesian Leaders […]