Indonesia is an “imagined community”, Melanesia is a REAL community!… BUT…
A Melanesian Dilemma It is a human tragedy today is that “the REAL Melanesian community think they are unreal, and then they believe and treat the “unreal Indonesian community” as a real one, They think un-real Indonesia poses real threats and danger, that therefore it is a sensitive issue that should be treated cautiously. They […]
Chief Worwor expresses concerns about upcoming chiefs elections
The caretaker President of the Port Vila Town Council of Chiefs and member of the caretaker Malvatumauri council of chiefs has raised concerns about what he said was a new method being introduced for election of Malvatumauri, island councils of chiefs and the two urban councils of chiefs due next month. All the councils of chiefs […]
Race, Class and Ethnicity : Industrial Relations in the South Pacific
Race, Class and Ethnicity : Industrial Relations in the South Pacific with Special Reference to Fiji and Bougainville1 Alexander Mamak and Richard Bedford p. 45-60 TEXT BIBLIOGRAPHY NOTES ENDNOTES AUTHOR(S)ILLUSTRATIONS FULL TEXT Source: 1 The fieldwork conducted by the senior author in Fiji between 1970-72 was made possible by a grant (…) 1 The importance of class analysis for explaining contemporary behaviour in the South […]