Rank and Status in Polynesia and Melanesia: Introduction
Introduction Jean Guiart p. 7-8 TEXT AUTHOR FULL TEXT Source: http://books.openedition.org 1Douglas Oliver m’est arrivé à Nouméa, un jour de la fin de 1949 si je ne m’abuse, alors que je peinais dans le démarrage d’une carrière scientifique à partir d’une formation reçue à une époque fertile en orages. Après Radcliffe-Brown vu à Paris en 1947, c’était le […]
Tahitian Words for Race and Class
Paul Kay p. 81-93 TEXT BIBLIOGRAPHY NOTES AUTHORILLUSTRATIONS FULL TEXT Source: http://books.openedition.org/ 1The system of meanings underlying Tahitian words for racial/social categories is examined and compared to the results of similar studies on the corresponding lexical domain in the Portuguese of Brazil. The principal theoretical conclusion is that, while a distinctive feature (or componential analysis) model of lexical structure […]
Race, Class and Ethnicity : Industrial Relations in the South Pacific
Race, Class and Ethnicity : Industrial Relations in the South Pacific with Special Reference to Fiji and Bougainville1 Alexander Mamak and Richard Bedford p. 45-60 TEXT BIBLIOGRAPHY NOTES ENDNOTES AUTHOR(S)ILLUSTRATIONS FULL TEXT Source: http://books.openedition.org 1 The fieldwork conducted by the senior author in Fiji between 1970-72 was made possible by a grant (…) 1 The importance of class analysis for explaining contemporary behaviour in the South […]
Rank and Status in Polynesia and Melanesia
Essays in honor of professor Douglas Oliver Douglas L. Oliver Publications de la SdO … Excerpt (Source: http://books.openedition.org) One of the less fortunate legacies that we who practice ethnography in Oceania have given the scholarly world is the stereotype of the Melanesian leader as “Big Man”. The designation “Big Man”, derived literally from the metaphor commonly used […]
Archaeology and the Origins of Social Stratification in Southern Bougainville
Archaeology and the Origins of Social Stratification in Southern Bougainville John Terrell p. 23-43 TEXT BIBLIOGRAPHY NOTES AUTHORILLUSTRATIONS FULL TEXT Source: http://books.openedition.org One of the Lessons of modern economic geography, abstract theory of graphs, and contemporary thinking in theoretical biology appears to be that hierarchical control networks are one solution to the problem of what to do about systems that […]