This blog is presented to you by an individual in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea in order to promote the unification and unity of Melanesia by

  1. Self-Identification dan Self-Definition
  2. Declaration of Melanesia-hood.
  3. Promotion of “Melanesia” as One Origin, One People, One Destiny, by getting rid of the colonial maps in our mind that separate us from each other, by calling us different self-identity according to colonial geographical maps.

Melanesia (from Greek, meaning “black islands”) is a region extending from the western side of the eastern Pacific to the Arafura Sea, north and northeast of Australia.Oct 13, 2014

The region encompasses four countries including the Solomon Island, Fiji, Vanuatu, and Papua New Guinea. Also included in Melanesia are New Caledonia (which is a territory of France) and Western New Guinea (a region of Indonesia).Apr 25, 2017

We Pray that finally, one day, all Melanesians will hold a public conference, and DECLARE “Melanesia-hood” as a nation, not just as a race, that consists of many countries in the South Pacific region.

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